Look upon the sky, it’s falling is an installation where I look at how sound affects and structures my space. My space, in that case my studio, is seen as the physical space I was working in for one year. In that space I was constantly confronted with very loud music from the discos that were facing my windows. The music during nighttimes was usually so loud that all windows in my room were shaking. Lines and lines of acoustic information were flooding through these thin membrans – the windows – into my room and my body. Waves as lines – sometimes aggressivly, sometimes tense or sometimes more calm.
In the installation small microphones listens constantly to the level of sounds in the room and to the sounds that are coming from outside through the window. Acoustical information are represented visually by lines and lines of tape in the room. These lines are interconnected, a system or network which is connected to several motors in the room. Affected by the level of sounds in the room they will push or pull the lines. Sometimes more subtle and hardly noticable, sometimes more harsh – a play within a system of audiovisual information.